122 Buckelew Ave

Jamesburg NJ 08831

Mon-Fri 8.00 AM-6:00 PM

Saturday 8:00 AM-4:00 PM

Mon-Fri 8.00 AM-6:00 PM

Saturday 8:00 AM-4:00 PM

122 Buckelew Ave

Jamesburg NJ 08831

Repair or Replace Your Furnace? What you should consider.

With the unpredictable weather, it’s likely your furnace is already in use. But before the bitter cold sets in, is your furnace working at peak performance?


If not, it may be time for some repairs — or maybe even a new furnace.


It can be difficult to recognize whether a furnace is in need of some minor repairs or if it’s time to replace it entirely. Here are 6 factors to consider about whether you should repair or replace your furnace.


The age of your system is the first factor to consider. The average lifespan of a furnace is 15-20 years; after that the system will start to fail more often. If your furnace is 10 years old or less, repairs should be effective. If it has reached 12 years or more, it’s time to consider replacement. If your furnace is more than 10 years old but having consistent issues, consult an expert at Air Management.


The frequency of furnace issues that you cannot solve without an expert can indicate your furnace is no longer able to bounce back. Attempting to keep an unreliable furnace functioning means potentially having no heat on cold days, and it could also end up costing you more in the end. Here are two rules of thumb to keep in mind:


  • If your repair costs are less than ⅓ of the cost of a new heating system, repair is your best choice
  • If your furnace has undergone repairs that haven’t keep it functioning for years, it’s time for a replacement


If your energy bills are increasing without an increase in usage, your furnace efficiency is definitely going down. Your furnace may be working twice as hard to create the same amount of heat. This is the first sign that it’s time to call in the experts and find out whether your furnace has seen better days.


Find out from your Air Management expert whether simply updating the thermostat or your ductwork will solve the problem, or if it’s time to retire your furnace for a new one.


Contact Air Management Today to schedule an appointment!

Air Management guarantees to bring you and your family quality installation and courteous, friendly service that will exceed all of your needs. Call Air Management at 732-819-0008 today!

Contact Air Management HVAC Today to Schedule an Appointment!